Monday, November 5, 2007

Week 25: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O!

Happy 25th week birthday!!

You and I stayed home today because ... you have pink eye. Noooooo...not again!

This morning I went to drop you off at childcare and your teacher said that you had to go see the doctor. You were denied! Meanwhile all the other kiddies were oozing all kinds of things out of all their orifices but I don't say anything because just because other parents drop off their babies when they're sick doesn't mean we should.

Luckily your doctor has walk in for sick kiddies every morning at 8:30am. You have to get there by 8:30 or you'll have to make an appointment for another time. We got to the Amherst office at 8:29...good job Mommie! They have these new thermometers at your pediatrician. They just scan your head for a second with this wand and it measures your temp. No more rectal thermometers for you!

Anyway, the doctor walked in with a sad look on her face. She said, "Hi handsome boy! You are all red and yucky looking but you're still handsome!" What?? I can't believe she said you were yucky looking! I mean you do look a whole mess but not yucky looking. I kept thinking, your doctor would never had said that. He thinks you're really cute! Anyhoo, she prescribed some antibiotic eye drops for you and we were off to the pharmacy in no time.

I put the drops in as soon as we got home but you still look a whole mess. Your left eye is all red and irritated. You're oozing out all this pus from your eyes. I think they were glued shut this morning. It's so sad sweetie. I'm also not feeling well and have a bad cold. This is not good as this is a super busy week at work. What to do, what to do. Your Daddy took a half day today so I could go into work in the afternoon but when he came home I was fast asleep and I never made it into work. Bad Mommie! All I keep thinking is that soon I won't have to worry about you being sick and missing work. Can't wait!

These photos don't do your pink eye justice

Poor baby!