Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Week 25: I miss you O

Today I went from 9am to 10pm without seeing you, well awake that is. It was pretty tough! I hope you know how much I love and miss you while I'm at work. You and your Mommy! I'm starting to get sick I think, my throat is hurting and just don't feel great of late. I hope I don't get sick because I can't miss any more work and want to be able to take good care of you and it's harder when I'm not 100%.

I know it's been a while since I wrote but this doesn't mean I haven't wanted to. Looking back at old pictures and video of you from a few short months ago, it's hard to believe how little you were. And how quiet you were too! It's so amazing to watch you grow before my eyes and I truly feel lucky to have such a wonderful son. I wonder what you'll be like when you get a little older, and can walk or talk? I can't wait, but at the same time I want you to stay little! I don't know what I want I guess.

Well, hope you are doing well and know how much I love you. Take care O.
