Monday, November 26, 2007

Week 28: One more week to go...

Hi sweet pea :)

This is Mommie's last week of work. Yay! I'm so excited little O. As of Friday at 3:30pm I am free to hang out with you all the time. I'm technically still working from home until Wednesday but I won't have to drop you off at daycare and can work while you take your naps or play with your toys.

It was really difficult dropping you off at daycare today. We've been together since Tuesday night and then to leave you with someone else made me so sad. On top of that when I got there most of the babies were in the playroom and there were two babies in the infant room. Both of them were crying so the teacher couldn't hold them both at the same time so one of them sat in their crib just crying all by themselves. As I nursed you in the rocking chair in the infant room I cried and cried thinking about you being alone in your crib in the dark room crying by yourself. :(

I also had to come nurse you today because you wouldn't drink from your bottle and just kept chewing on the nipple.

Anyhoo, soon we won't have to worry about that anymore! We're so lucky little O to be able to spend the day together. Daddy has been amazing and I'm so happy that he is willing and able to support us and that Papa Cesar and Lela Carmen are so graciously letting us live with them. We're very lucky!

Speaking of supporting us, your Daddy has his first job interview tomorrow. Wish him lucky little O. It's at a large law firm in downtown Hartford. This weekend Daddy got a new suit and tie and he looks so cute in it. Daddy is interviewing to be a Legal Recruiter and would be in charge of recruiting first year, summer, and lateral attorneys for the firm. He's really excited about it so I know it'll go well.

In other Daddy news, he is going to write an article about the reasons to not circumcise boys. Your doula, Jen, asked Daddy to write about it because a lot of her clients ask about it and she wants to have something to give them. I'm so glad we didn't circumcise you little O. Seeing them draw your blood in the hospital when you had jaundice broke my heart so I can only imagine the sadness I'd feel if I knew you were in even more pain.

So yea that's about it. Your Titi Lucy took me makeup shopping on Saturday. It was so much fun. She's such an expert and knows about everything. She had me try on a bunch of things but my favorite was this really plumy purple lipstick that I'm going to wear to work tomorrow. I know everyone is going to say something but I need a change. Hope you recognize me!

Love you!
