Sunday, November 25, 2007

Week 27: Your first Thanksgiving

Hi O!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We spent Thanksgiving at Abuelito Jorgensen & Abuelita Mayela's house. It was a lot of fun and there were lots of people there. It was quite a task getting everything ready to go and getting out the house to start the trip to Boston! It seems like we need at least three hours prep time to leave the house lately.

The night before your Mommy and I made a pumpkin cake and I had to really try hard to not eat an apple pie we had bought to bring as well. I love me some apple pie! Anyhow, it turns out the cake was a huge hit at the party. I had never had anything pumpkin before and was hesitant to try the cake but once I did I started hoping other people wouldn't want some so I could have more!

Well then Titi Lucy goes around promoting the cake and next thing you know there's none left and everyone is raving about it. Even a couple days later people were asking if there was anymore cake left!

Your Mommy looked so beautiful and every day I think to myself, wow, smart, caring AND beautiful, I hit the jackpot! You're pretty lucky to have such a special Mommy.

Anyhow, we had a real nice time at my parent's house, and everyone went out of their way to make us comfortable. Titi Krysten let us stay in her room and you seemed pretty comfortable there. The day after Thanksgiving we had a nice dinner together with most of my immediate family as well as Tio Ray and Tio Raul both visiting their partners, my sisters. It was so nice to be around family I don't normally get to hang out with.

We even played Monopoly one night, until 3am! Your Daddy lost, and Titi Tatiana had her ten minutes of fame, but rest assured I'll get my revenge soon!

I'm so excited that your Mommy only has one week left of work and then can stay at home and take care of you. Nothing makes me feel as comfortable as knowing you are at home with your Mommy instead of daycare with random people I really don't know that well. I think your Mommy is ready for a break from work anyhow.

Daddy prepping a pumpkin cake

Your primo Eric having fun, and wanting to eat you!

Your prima Tanya trying to carry you.

Tio Ray having a great time with you.

Tio Ray got hungry, and there you were...

Get in my belly Octavio! I'm bigger than you.

You're too big to fit in Tio Ray's belly!

Abuelita Mayela enjoying every second with you.

Tio Toti cheesing for the camera.

Aww. Nice kiss from Tio Toti on your big cheeks.

Tita Tatiana and Tio Raul, pre parents, not for long!