Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 15: Still sick but getting better

Hi little one :)

I called your daycare this morning to tell them that you wouldn't be coming in and Sophie (one of the teachers) sounded so sad.

So you're still sick but I think you're getting much better and you haven't throw up yet today (knock on wood). Your pediatrician said that I should cut you off when you're nursing so that you don't get too full and throw it all up which I've been trying to do. It's so hard though because you make this sad little face and cry because you're still hungry. It's been working though so I'm going to try to keep it up until you get rid of your illness.

In other news, your Daddy is not feeling well. I hope you didn't give him your bug sweetie pie. He got up this morning to get some files from my office so I could work from home today and then went into work. Poor Daddy, but someone has to bring home the bacon (to pay for the daycare that you're not attending).

You're sleeping right now making your little sucking motions. This is one of my favorite things that you do. Apparently Titi Jomaira used to do this as well when she was a baby. It's so cute! I wonder if you're having dreams of nursing in your sleep.

Well back to work for Mommie. I've actually gotten a lot done since you're so sleepy. I love you!
