Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week 15: Doctor visit

Hi little O :)

Well, we just got back from the doctor because we were still worried about you. Your very nice pediatrician checked you out and said that he thinks you're fine and just have one of the million stomach bugs. He said to call him if you stopped making tears, if you were inconsolable, or not wetting diapers. He said you'll probably not feel so well for the next few days but that it'll probably go away soon.

I love your pediatrician and your pediatrics office. I called the office this morning at 11:15 and they got us an appointment for 11:45. They also called this morning to see how you were doing. So nice! I'm glad we picked him as your doctor.

Daddy getting you undressed to get you weighed

It's not easy swaddling the little butterball

Sick baby :(

Oh, and you weigh 16 pounds, 10 ounces! Which means that you've doubled your birth weight already (babies double their birth weight by 6 months). No wonder I have a hard time carrying you around. I love you sweetie!

Sick day with daddy