Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Week 15: Sleeping like a madman

Hi sweetie :)

It's 5 in the morning and I'm out in the living room pumping some milk for you. You slept like a madman last night! You slept from 7pm to almost 4am...my gosh! I slept right next to you for that whole time as well. I just woke up a few times to make sure you were still breathing & alive. I fed you and changed you at 4 and now you're back asleep...crazy!

Yesterday didn't go so badly. There were 4 babies in the morning: you, Thai, Natasha, and Jack. In the afternoon it was only you and Jack. I was missing you a lot so I went to check on you at 1pm. It only takes about 5 minutes to walk from my office to the center which makes me happy. When I got there Jack was about to go play outside (he's 10 months old) and you had just had a bottle and were trying to fall asleep. Your teacher showed me some photos she took of you playing with the slinkies and staring at the butterfly mobiles. I rocked you to sleep and put you in your crib and you slept until we picked you up at 3:30pm. Of course I cried again in front of your teacher when she asked me how work was going. I'm going to be known as the crazy Mommie, I know it...but I can't help it. Something else that made me happy & sad at the same time is that when I came to visit you, you saw me and reached out your arms, smiled, and went boo boo. You never reach your hands out to me and never seem to know I'm gone but you did yesterday which makes me happy to know that you love me and miss me but profoundly sad that I can't be with you and that you might have been searching for me all day. :(

We'll see how day number 2 goes. It'll just be the two of us as Daddy has to get to work on time.

I love you!

Dropping you off at daycare...you look sad. :(

Watching the big babies play with dinosaur eggs

Daddy burping you

Sleeping in your crib

At home...yay! Daddy teaching you how to high five

My little butterball