Monday, August 13, 2007

Week 13: Lela Carmen!

Dear Octavio,

I have been so lucky to spend extra time with you this week. Titi Jomaira and I spent time with you Thursday and Friday and then you visited with your parents on Saturday! I just love seeing you - you're just too cute.

On Saturday, I had a great time. My Tio Millo came from New Jersey for the first time to visit us in CT. My dear cousin, Edgar, brought his father (Edgar had been over before) and we truly enjoyed their visit. The trip to N.J. is a bit long, so I'm really happy they were able to come.

One of my favorite things, in the whole world, is to have my three children, their spouses/partners and my darling grandchildren all together under one roof. It just fills my heart with the utmost joy.

Your dad and Uncle Jon played basketball, again. They always have a good time and finish drenched in sweat. Titi Jomaira played volleyball with Jalil and Yasmin. Your mommie and Titi Lisa were on the porch swing with you while you stared up at the sky. Papa and I just watched proudly at all of you.

Octavio, I'll see you soon. I hope you're enjoying Yasmin's visit. She likes spending time with you and she is so much fun.

God bless you Little One!

Much love,
Lela Carmen