Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Week 12: Nudist

Hi sweetie pie :)

I'm afraid that you might be a nudist. You love being naked. You never cry during bathtime (cause you're naked) but as soon as I go to put clothes on you after your bath you start crying...every time! It's summer time so we usually let you run around in your diaper in the house but soon it'll be getting colder and we'll have to get clothes on you...lots of clothes on you...layers! I don't know how you're going to respond to this but I'm scared.

In other news, you've learned how to scream. Is that a development milestone because it should be. First it was squeals but now you definitely scream. Not even when you're mad but just for the heck of it. Scream, scream, scream. Congratulations (I guess)