Sunday, August 5, 2007

Week 11: Say Papi

Hello little one, it's your papi. I know it's been a while since I wrote, sorry but things have been crazy at work. So where to begin? Nothing fits you of late! I mean there are clothes that say 6 months that fit tight! You don't mind baths at all, and still love sleeping on either your mother or my chest, and I can't help but indulge this desire! Yesterday as a matter of fact you were sleeping on my chest for a couple hours and at one point you must have been having a funny dream because not only did you laugh but laugh hard, such that your little chest moving against mine tickled me and made me laugh!

The car hasn't been as exciting a venture for you of late, which is to say you used to love going for a car ride and lately have shown mixed feelings about it. You've been sleeping a lot more now that your Mommy and I let you sleep on your belly at night, so we sleep more too. You've been talking a lot louder recently and I worry pretty soon there will be loud tantrums coming from you.

I'm still recovering from the loss of your rolling bassinet, there were so many nice memories in such a short period of time that it was tough to let go, but it will have a good home where another little baby, your cousin, will enjoy it. Oh and if you could see your Titi Tatiana, she's getting big, and pretty soon your primo will join us. Please send a little prayer her way O.

As your Mommy mentioned we went to the Child Center where you will be during the week in a month or so. And you didn't get to see any of it because you were sound asleep. But it is a nice place and I think you'll really like it. Sometimes I wish I could stay at home and take care of you myself, but I know it's healthier for you to interact with other people, especially babies. My family came to visit a week ago today and everyone just loves you so much O. Well hope things are well, chat soon.
