Friday, August 10, 2007

Week 12: Back at Work

Hi sweetie pie :)

Yesterday I went back to work after my 12 week maternity leave. :( I had been dreading that day since I had you in the hospital. In fact I haven't been sleeping well and having anxiety dreams the last few weeks about it. It was so hard leaving you yesterday but I was happy that you'd be spending the day with Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira. You woke up around 6:30am and I nursed you then took a shower then pumped then got ready and then got together my millions of bags that I had to bring to work. I dropped your Daddy off at work first and cried a bit with him and then went back home because I had forgotten a few things. I finally left and as soon as I got to work and one of my coworkers gave me a hug and said, "Welcome back! How are you?" and I started crying like a little baby right in the middle of the hallway and then proceeding to cry all throughout the day.

I have photos of you everywhere. Two on my desk and a bunch on my computer screensaver and desktop. I miss you so so much. I hope you're doing okay and not wondering where I am. Thank you for being such a good baby. I can't wait to spend every minute with you this weekend.

Gotta go since I'm at work but I love you and can't wait to see you in a few hours (your Titi and Lela are bringing you in for a visit...yay!)
