Sunday, August 12, 2007

Week 12: it only gets better with time!

So here I am, it's Sunday. Tomorrow back to work and try to make it through another week of work until the weekend comes. There's something sad about living your life weekend to weekend, but there's not much I can do about it now. I hope things in the near future so that all of our family, your mother, you and I won't live like this.

In other news, yesterday we spent a day at your Lela Carmen's house and I think all of us had a good time. I played basketball with your Tio Jonathan, your Mommy hung out with your Titi Jomaira and your Lela Carmen and you were passed around from family member to family member and seemed pretty happy, especially with your cousin Yasmin.

The day before, Friday, you were sleeping on my chest, like normal, and you started laughing, like you often do in your sleep, only this time it was different. You laughed so hard you made me laugh and had a smile on your face for minutes. So cute! It's the little things, like having you sleep on my chest, that make being a papi so great. I hope you've been happy with us, you are such a great child little O. I remember just yesterday I caught you as you came out of your Mommy. We were so happy to see you, and every day you bring more joy into our lives. Thank you O.
