Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week 15: A long week

So Octavio,

It's been a rough couple days for our family. Your Mommy and I have been trying to do our best to take care of you, but sometimes it can be hard trying to protect you while doing what's best for you. Anyways, through out the whole ER visit and you being sick of late, and dealing with daycare, I'm more convinced that one reason I was put on this earth is to be your father. I just love it! A little while ago you and your Mommy were sleeping while I watched a movie and I was rubbing your head looking at you thinking to myself, how did I get this lucky. Imagine me, sitting between the two people I love most, it was a nice moment indeed.

This past weekend we had quite an eventful time. We visited both sides of the family and your visit made many people that don't get to see you often quite happy. Right now I am going to try to cook your Mommy and I some dinner so I got to run but I hope you know how much I love you and I hope I do an ok job raising you with your Mommy. Love you.
