Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 14: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi little O! :)

Happy 14th week birthday!!

Another bad thing about going back to work is that I have no time to update your cute little blog. I'm so sorry sweetie. I will remedy this tonight by posting lots of cute pictures of you and detailing your antics as of late which include you continuing to scream like a banshee at all times of the day (scary!). Luckily your Abuelita who is visiting this week (yay!) confirmed that this ear aching screaming is indeed normal and that your very own Daddy screamed like a banshee when he was a wee little thing. Whew! Of course I was thinking that you might have autism and that's why you were screaming like crazy (stop watching Oprah shows on autism, Mommie!).

Okay sweetie...Mama has to go work now but I love you and you looked so precious sleeping face down on the futon when I left you this morning.
