Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 15: Picture Post

How much you've changed in these 15 weeks...

Week 15: Still sick but getting better

Hi little one :)

I called your daycare this morning to tell them that you wouldn't be coming in and Sophie (one of the teachers) sounded so sad.

So you're still sick but I think you're getting much better and you haven't throw up yet today (knock on wood). Your pediatrician said that I should cut you off when you're nursing so that you don't get too full and throw it all up which I've been trying to do. It's so hard though because you make this sad little face and cry because you're still hungry. It's been working though so I'm going to try to keep it up until you get rid of your illness.

In other news, your Daddy is not feeling well. I hope you didn't give him your bug sweetie pie. He got up this morning to get some files from my office so I could work from home today and then went into work. Poor Daddy, but someone has to bring home the bacon (to pay for the daycare that you're not attending).

You're sleeping right now making your little sucking motions. This is one of my favorite things that you do. Apparently Titi Jomaira used to do this as well when she was a baby. It's so cute! I wonder if you're having dreams of nursing in your sleep.

Well back to work for Mommie. I've actually gotten a lot done since you're so sleepy. I love you!


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Week 15: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

Precious Child

I heard some little bugs
were making you feel bad.
My eyes got watery
I felt so sad
to think you
were not well
But then I thought
I'll say a prayer
to God who's up above
He'll make you well
So get some rest
you'll soon be good as new
with lots of get well wishes
from all of those who love you

I love you so!

-Lela Carmen

Week 15: A long week

So Octavio,

It's been a rough couple days for our family. Your Mommy and I have been trying to do our best to take care of you, but sometimes it can be hard trying to protect you while doing what's best for you. Anyways, through out the whole ER visit and you being sick of late, and dealing with daycare, I'm more convinced that one reason I was put on this earth is to be your father. I just love it! A little while ago you and your Mommy were sleeping while I watched a movie and I was rubbing your head looking at you thinking to myself, how did I get this lucky. Imagine me, sitting between the two people I love most, it was a nice moment indeed.

This past weekend we had quite an eventful time. We visited both sides of the family and your visit made many people that don't get to see you often quite happy. Right now I am going to try to cook your Mommy and I some dinner so I got to run but I hope you know how much I love you and I hope I do an ok job raising you with your Mommy. Love you.


Week 15: Titi Lucy: You are sooo loved!

Guest Post from Titi Lucy:

My dearest Nephew Octavio,

Please know that although I do not see much of you in person, I think of you often and ever so fondly! Truth be told, I think I am in love! So, again, although I do not see much of you, know inside your little heart that I have a very big mushy warm place on my heart for you. Always.


Week 15: Doctor visit

Hi little O :)

Well, we just got back from the doctor because we were still worried about you. Your very nice pediatrician checked you out and said that he thinks you're fine and just have one of the million stomach bugs. He said to call him if you stopped making tears, if you were inconsolable, or not wetting diapers. He said you'll probably not feel so well for the next few days but that it'll probably go away soon.

I love your pediatrician and your pediatrics office. I called the office this morning at 11:15 and they got us an appointment for 11:45. They also called this morning to see how you were doing. So nice! I'm glad we picked him as your doctor.

Daddy getting you undressed to get you weighed

It's not easy swaddling the little butterball

Sick baby :(

Oh, and you weigh 16 pounds, 10 ounces! Which means that you've doubled your birth weight already (babies double their birth weight by 6 months). No wonder I have a hard time carrying you around. I love you sweetie!

Sick day with daddy

Week 15: Visit to the ER

I should have known something was wrong when you slept 9 hours in a row on Monday night. Guess where we were last night? In the emergency room. :(

On Monday night you slept all those hours and didn't wet a diaper. I thought it was strange and told your Daddy but I thought, oh, you'll just pee later. I took you to daycare and nursed you and you vomited milk but I thought it was because you had gas. Then I picked you up at 12:30 from daycare (that's another story) and you were fussy so when we got home I nursed you and you threw up again and made a little puddle on the floor. You still weren't wetting diapers and then I fed you at 9pm and you threw up again so Daddy called your doctor and they said we should go to the ER for you to get checked for dehydration.

I didn't want to go but I knew it was the right thing to do so we got you dressed and brought you over the hospital where you were born. They took your temperature and checked your vitals and then the doctor saw you and recommended lab work. Before you knew it the nurse brought in a big IV and said that we had to give you fluids. I was nursing you so he tried to put it in while you were feeding but he couldn't get the needle in so Daddy asked him to stop. I was crying like a little baby. Actually I was sobbing. I don't like seeing you in pain little one.

The children's ER room (you remind us of that little monkey)

Mommie wanting to leave the ER

Anyway, they called a nurse at her home (it was about midnight at this point) that used to work in the NICU unit at Baystate Hospital and who was really good at putting IVs in babies. She came in and I left the room because I knew I would be a mess. They got your IV in and got blood from your foot for labwork at the same time. Then I came in and nursed you and you ended up sleeping on my chest while you got fluids and we waited for your results. Around 2am your doctor came in and said that you had a viral infection and that's what was causing the vomiting and sleepiness. He said to check with your doctor today but that the infection would probably go away on its own.

It was really cold in the room

Nursing you after the IV was put in

Sleeping with Mommie while the fluids drip

Your poor little manita

Last night you slept from 1am-6am, nursed, then slept from 6am-9:30am. We changed your diaper this morning and it was super wet which is good but you're still acting a little weird. Your eyes are puffy, you're still really sleepy, and you're spitting up all your milk so we might have to go get you checked out.

At home this morning...taking off your ID ankle bracelet

Still not back to your normal self. Your eyes are puffy

I can't believe you were in daycare for one day and already have an infection. This is the first time you're sick. :( You were such a trooper though and pretty much passed out after they put the IV in. You're Daddy was AMAZING as he is always and was so strong and held you when I was a basketcase. I took the day off of work because I want to make sure you're okay and getting enough to eat so you have Mommie and Daddy at home with you today. I love you so much sweetie and I hope you feel better soon!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Week 15: Sleeping like a madman

Hi sweetie :)

It's 5 in the morning and I'm out in the living room pumping some milk for you. You slept like a madman last night! You slept from 7pm to almost gosh! I slept right next to you for that whole time as well. I just woke up a few times to make sure you were still breathing & alive. I fed you and changed you at 4 and now you're back asleep...crazy!

Yesterday didn't go so badly. There were 4 babies in the morning: you, Thai, Natasha, and Jack. In the afternoon it was only you and Jack. I was missing you a lot so I went to check on you at 1pm. It only takes about 5 minutes to walk from my office to the center which makes me happy. When I got there Jack was about to go play outside (he's 10 months old) and you had just had a bottle and were trying to fall asleep. Your teacher showed me some photos she took of you playing with the slinkies and staring at the butterfly mobiles. I rocked you to sleep and put you in your crib and you slept until we picked you up at 3:30pm. Of course I cried again in front of your teacher when she asked me how work was going. I'm going to be known as the crazy Mommie, I know it...but I can't help it. Something else that made me happy & sad at the same time is that when I came to visit you, you saw me and reached out your arms, smiled, and went boo boo. You never reach your hands out to me and never seem to know I'm gone but you did yesterday which makes me happy to know that you love me and miss me but profoundly sad that I can't be with you and that you might have been searching for me all day. :(

We'll see how day number 2 goes. It'll just be the two of us as Daddy has to get to work on time.

I love you!

Dropping you off at look sad. :(

Watching the big babies play with dinosaur eggs

Daddy burping you

Sleeping in your crib

At home...yay! Daddy teaching you how to high five

My little butterball

Monday, August 27, 2007

Week 15: Lela Carmen!

Guest Post from Lela Carmen:

My dear Octavio,

Today will be your first day at daycare and I'm sending well wishes to you, mommie and daddy. I know that you will in in good hands. Your cute smile will capture the teachers' hearts, and they will learn how special you are.

Mommie will be close by if you need her. You will probably be busy looking at the new surroundings and seeing other children. I trust that you will adjust well.

Oh, today is also my first day. I'm going to a new school and I trust God will be with me as I get used to my new environment.

Blessings and much love,

Lela Carmen

Week 15: Happy Cumplesemana!

Good morning sweetie :)

Happy 15th week birthday!!

You slept so well last night sweetie pie. You slept from 9pm-3am. Then you nursed and went back to sleep from 3:30am until we woke you up at 7:45am. Wow! So much sleep for Mommie and Daddy.

Daddy and I just dropped you off at daycare and Mommie held it together until the very end when your teacher asked me if I would be coming back to visit during the day. The director had to come give Mommie a hug. I hope you like it there and don't miss me anywhere near as much as I miss you. Love you sweetie pie.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Week 14: Videos of Mister O

Laughing after getting your diaper changed

Trying out the Bumbo Chair

Your eyes getting cleaned

You love screaming

Hanging out with Abuelita

Exercising with Abuela

Week 14: Abuelita Mayela's House

We spent the night at your Abuelito Gordito and Abuelita Mayela's house

Here you are showing your belly

Hanging out with Abuelita

You're happy because you just nursed

Your familia

Two peas in a pod

Plotting to take over the world

You're such a good baby

Keep it down little one

You like laughing with Abuelita

Week 14: Childcare Center

Your childcare center had an open house on Friday. We got to meet your other baby friends

Abuelita came with us

Other baby friends

Your crib


Driving back home with your friend Sammie

Monday, August 20, 2007

Week 14: Picture Post

So many pictures!!

Playing with Daddy

We clean your eyes about 5 times a day (you don't like it)

Sleepy O!

Chubby O

Screaming like a banshee


You can almost feed yourself now

Watching the cars go by with Lela Carmen

I wonder when you'll ride a bike for the first time

In a little chair Papa Cesar got for you

With Titi Jomaira

You fell asleep when we walked downtown

This bodysuit is for 9 month olds

Lela Carmen got this outfit for you

With Abuelita Mayela

Your pajamas (size: 12 months)

Daddy thinks you look gangster in this photo

After a bath