Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Week 6: First Bath

Hi little O :)

You're napping right now so I have time to write to you. Yesterday Mommie had her 6 week postnatal check up at her midwife office. It was weird to go there for the last time after going there every week. The midwife said that everything looked good so yay to that.

We decided to give you your first bath on Monday. Mommie has been too afraid to do it by herself during the day because I'm afraid of dropping you so I waited until your Daddy got home. Daddy set up the little tub that Tio Toti got you and we put you in. You were in for about half a second when you started peeing everywhere. After that you were pretty chill until the end when you started getting cold.

first bath

What else? Oh your Daddy got me a Nintendo DS for my birthday and it comes in so handy during the day. When I'm pumping or when you're sleeping on my chest for a few hours I can play. Here is me playing:

Last thing. I have been complaining that you don't have any of my features (your Abuelita gave us a photo of Daddy when he was little and you two look exactly alike). Your Daddy though said that's not true...he has your nails! Yes, O you have Mommie's sharp nails. You like to scratch Mommie's chest with them. Here's proof:

It's really fun being your Mommie sweetie. You're like my little pet. My nickname for you this week is baby chicken. You smile when I call you that.

Daddy has been doing a night feeding for the last few nights and wow has it made a difference. I think I slept for 5 hours in a row last night...amazing! Thanks to Daddy for doing that, he must be so tired. Well, I'm going to go take a shower now but I'll be watching you on the monitor. Love you sweetie pie!