Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week 4: learning about you

Hi O. It's your Daddy. Hope you are as happy to be with your Mommy and I as we are for you to be with us. It's been interesting this first month. For starters you love falling asleep on either my or your mother's chest, and laugh only in your sleep. You smile a lot while awake, but genuine laughs out loud only while sleeping. Let's see what else...you like tummy time, most of the time. Are starting to have better control of your neck. And are getting huge! Tomorrow we have your Dr's appointment and my guess is you are at least 9 lbs. What else? You, like most babies, like the feeling of being in a moving car. And when you are on your Mother's chest, or mine, always grab something tightly like our shirt, maybe you think we'll drop you or something, but no worries O we're careful. Your Titi Lucy still hasn't seen you, not trying to put her out there but hey she's the only one left. Oh and you talk a little bit more of late, although it takes every last ounce of energy to get something out, and it's so cute. I wonder what another month will bring about in you?
Well gottta run to start getting ready for work, hope you are ok.

