Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Week 4: You have a big head

Hi little O :)

Today you had your one month checkup at the pediatrician. You've gotten so big! You're 9 pounds, 3 ounces and 22 inches (you were born 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 21 inches). This last month has gone by so quickly. You can hold your head up now and turn your head. You can also move from you back to your side. Let's see what're losing a lot of your hair. I thought it might be because you're stressed but the pediatrician said that's normal. You eat about every 3 hours or so and like to be held when you sleep. You're also smiling more at us and follow us around with your eyes. You usually like your swing but we have to make sure the music plays when you're in it. You like your bassinet as long as you're really sleepy and we put the vibrate on. You have a triple chin and almost always sneeze more than once in a row.

Your favorite song at the moment is Maroon 5's "Makes Me Wonder". On one of the first nights that you were home I was up with you around 4am so I put VH-1 on because they actually play music at that time. Makes Me Wonder came on and you started dancing and when it was over you fell asleep. That's how it became your song. When you cry a lot during the day I'll play the song and we'll dance the Electric Slide in the kitchen and that always calms you down. Crazy, huh?

I love being your Mommie sweetie. You are so kind and patient and funny. You're waking up so I have to go. Love you!
