Friday, June 15, 2007

Week 4: Ice cream

Hi little O :)

One of the good things about where we live is that we can walk to the downtown area in a few minutes. Mommie was craving some ice cream so we went for a walk tonight to get some. You slept through a lot of the walk so I don't know how much you enjoyed it. There were lots of babies out tonight and a sweet older woman thought you were really cute. On the way back home an insect tried to bite you but I protected you.

Caught you smiling!

Daddy makes funny faces

Sleepy baby

See how you hang on to things?

Pit stop at La Veracruzana

Finally awake!

Daddy thinks you look like a boxer in your hoodie

Daddy looking mischievous

Mommie got a clown sundae...her favorite!