Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Week 4: Titi Lisa!

Guest Post from Titi Lisa:

Hey Little O!

I hope all is well with you, mommy and daddy. I just wanted to share my weekend experience with you, seeing that you will not remember it when you get older.

Well, your mommy and daddy went out this past weekend and your Lela Carmen, Papa, Titi Jomaira and I got to spend some time with you. We all enjoyed it!

My favorite things that I noticed about you, was how you like to follow your toys whenever I moved them and how you were not happy about Lela Carmen putting the stuff animal behind your back. It was so funny. I think you were upset because you could not see the little doggie and you did not know what was behind you.

You are adorable O, and I can't wait to experience more things with you.

Love you bunches,

Titi Lisa