Monday, June 18, 2007

Week 5: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi little O :)

Happy 5th week birthday!!

You are sleeping right now which gives me a bit of time to do some things. It's funny, some days I have a little bit of "free time" and them some days I don't even have time to take a shower or have lunch.

The last week or so you haven't been sleeping at night at all. You usually wake up 2-3 times a night, nurse for an hour or so and then fall right asleep. The last few days though you would finish nursing and then just stare at me with wide open eyes. I would look at you and say, aren't you tired little O? It's 3 am. But you would just look back at me so we'd have to find things to do until 6:30am or so when you finally wanted to fall asleep. Last night you went back to your usual schedule though and nursed and then fell asleep. Yay! Keep it up little O. Mommie can play with you more during the day if she's gotten some rest.

Well, we had a busy weekend visiting both sides of your familia. On Saturday we went to visit the Rincons. Lela Carmen, Papa Cesar and Titi Jomaira were there. Your Titi made a huge feast and it was really yummie...especially the bacalaitos! You nursed a lot and then I think you were sleepy but couldn't fall asleep so your Papa Cesar walked around with you and held you as did Lela Carmen. Lela Carmen was calling you calvito because you're losing your hair. Poor baby! Luckily, your Titi Jomaira got you a little gift...a tiny Connecticut cap than can cover your baldness. Look how cute...

You with Papa Cesar and the UConn cap that Titi Jomaira got you

On Sunday, your Daddy took care of you during the morning so I was able to sleep from 7am-12:30pm. It felt so good to sleep that long. Sunday was Father's Day, your Daddy's first. He is such a good Daddy O. You're really lucky. For Father's Day, we got your Daddy a mug that has a picture of you on it so he can bring it to work and look at you all day. Your Daddy doesn't drink coffee though so maybe he'll drink Diet Coke from the mug.

Around 3pm we left to meet the Fernandezes in Worcester. We met at Pizzeria Uno and had a yummie dinner (well, except for Daddy's "really well done" burger but he can tell you about that). You slept through all of dinner and didn't want to wake up but you finally got up when we went outside and Abuela Mayela fed you.

Titi Krysten and Tio Toti

Your parents

Abuela Mayela trying to wake you up

Abuela Mayela feeding you!

Yummie breastmilk

You love your Daddy

You are so popular, O

The Fernandezes

Abuelo Jorgensen (aka Abuelito Gordito)

Don't cry O

I can watch you when I'm taking a shower with a tv monitor that your Papa Cesar got for you are in your swing