Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 3: Remember me?

Hi O. There it is, I can say it, O. No worries or doubts if calling you O was going to turn out to be silly. You were born O. You are what an Octavio looks like...cute. Your mom and I have been doing alright with you and my new job and all. Oh ya, I started my new job and really like it. But enough about me, you are AMAZING! Being a father is AMAZING! And the feeling is much better than I could have ever imagined it would be! There is nothing in the world like feeling you go to sleep on my chest. Unless you count watching you laugh, not just smile, while you sleep on my chest.

So in case I haven't mentioned it, I'm sorry for not writing of late. Any free time I've had before or after work I've been trying to either help out with you or clean the house. But enough is enough, I had to say hello and tell you how happy I am to both be a parent and in particular to be one with your mother as my partner. Your family on both sides have been great, as have been friends of your mother and I that have done so much to help us out with the transition to being a parent.

Speaking of transition, I loved staying home with you and your Mommy after you were born for a couple weeks and wish I could still be at home with the two of you. Tough leaving you guys to go to work every morning, so much so that many days I walk home during my lunch if only to be there for less than ten minutes and then have to leave to get back to work.

Well got to go iron what I'm wearing to work tomorrow, chat later little O.

