Sunday, June 3, 2007

Week 2: Smiles

We did it! We have been trying to capture O smiling for a while now but it has eluded us until yesterday. We got you little O!

Next up is to get you laughing but that's even trickier. You only tend to laugh when you're in deep sleep and then wake up for a second to laugh. It's so cute...can't wait to capture it.

Sorry we haven't written very much but we've been busy. Last weekend you met your cousins Yasmin and Jalil and then we visited the Fernandez familia and you got to meet your Tio Toti and Titis Krysten and Tatiana. Titi Lucy was out of town for the weekend but I'm sure you'll get to meet her soon.

This past week we went to a breastfeeding clinic and found out that you're 8 pounds. Big O! We also went to your Dad's job and everyone thought you were so peaceful and were calling you Buddha because you looked like you were meditating.

You're so beautiful little O

Cousins Yasmin & Jalil

Mommie and Daddy and screaming O

Your Tio and Titis

Titi Krysten

Your favorite spot

Sleepy weepy

This past Thursday Daddy went back to work so it's been a bit crazy. It's much more difficult to do things alone little one but Mommie is getting it down.

This week we also found out that one of the Mommies from our childbirth class passed away a few days after giving birth to her son. :( It's so sad and so hard to even think about. She is in our thoughts. Send good energy to her son little O.

I don't want to leave on such a sad note so here's a video of your Daddy singing to you:

For those of you without sound here is the chorus of the frog song that Daddy made up:

The Froggie Song
written and performed by Daddy at 3am

Octavio, Octavio
Why do you jump like a little frog?
Your little legs
They have a spring
Your little arms
They tuck right in

Octavio, Octavio
Why do you jump like a little frog?