Sunday, June 24, 2007

Week 5: Vacation!

Hi little O :)

We went on a little vacation this weekend to celebrate Mommie's 27th birthday. It was a lot of fun. Mommie's boss got her a gift certificate to the Essex Street Inn in Newburyport, Massachusetts. It's a cute little historic bed & breakfast.

Daddy took the day off on Friday and we headed out to Newburyport around noon after packing the car full of your stuff. The inn was really nice and we mostly relaxed on Friday and then Saturday we went took you to the beach for the first time! It was really windy and cold out though so we didn't stay for long.

Plum Island

Pretty pretty

You're so excited to be at the beach

Mommie freezing

Sand everywhere

We love Octavio (the blanket is to protect you from the sand)

Octavio was here 06/23/07

It's time for us to go

Yummie Italian Dinner

On Saturday night your Daddy wasn't feeling so well so you and I went for a walk around town and on the boardwalk. It was so pretty to see the sun setting.

Downtown Newburyport


Boats for days

O with the boats

Talking O

Our very messy room

Chilling with the parents

Our little burrito

On Sunday we decided to surprise Daddy's family since we were so close to Boston and ended up seeing lots of your family at Titi Carmen's house including your Titi Lucy and your great Grandmother Digna!

Titi Lucy

Abuelo Jorgensen and Titi Lucy

The Fernandezes

Abuelita Mayela and your Great Grandmother Digna

Abuelita holding you

Titi Carmen and Tio Angel

Titi Rosa

Your Great Grandmother Digna

O in the sun!

We're all really tired right now so bye for now. Love you sweetie!