Monday, July 14, 2008

14 months: Picture Post

Sometimes I feel like I really shouldn't be allowed to be a stay at home mama. This was one of those times. A lot of times I just give in and let you go crazy. This is with your favorite yogurt, YoBaby apple yogurt. That yogurt is more expensive than a full meal for your Daddy & I but it's organic and you like it and it's for babies, yada, yada, yada. I've completely fallen for it.

See how happy you get? It's worth it.

Here's another time when that happened. Last weekend we spent 6 hours in Ikea. Yes, 6 hours. That place is huge but at least you got lunch and dinner out of it. (Before)

After. People were giving us strange looks but we don't care

You're in one of these every day. You used to like shopping carts but now within a few minutes you want to get out and either push the cart around your self or run around whatever store we're in

Something else you like is going through people's wallets and emptying them out. I hope you outgrow this soon or at least before adulthood.

Rocking the hat that your cousin Jalil gave you

At the Spot Eatery where they gave you a free cup of vanilla ice cream. Yum! You love your Daddy

You love me too, or at least you love backa-backa-backa

You can't see anything, right? This is the easiest and fastest way to get you clean...hop in the shower with Daddy. You love it and it also gives your Mama some time to cook and clean go online. Win, win, win!