Tuesday, July 15, 2008

14 months: Teddy Bear Picnic

We attended a "Teddy Bear Picnic" last week. They had a live musician come sing songs and they gave out free ice cream (this is the reason Mama wanted to go). It was supposed to rain so it was held indoors but we still brought our picnic food -- yummie mozzarella & tomato sandwiches. (That's a mole under my arm, by the way, not dirt)

Rocking the outfit that your Titi Lucy got you. You look so cute in it! You always get so many compliments when you wear it and it makes you look even more like Daddy. To the left is the musician that came to play for you guys. You got into it eventhough it doesn't look like you're into it in this photo. You were clapping along to the music.

Eduardo (your brother) was the guest of honor at the Teddy Bear Picnic

Remember him?

Afterwards we played outside in the field where you tried to take some little girl's ball. Nice O!

Running around like a crazy monkey

A moment of reflection

And you're off again but you're about to fall...

Yes, it looks like you're flying but you're really falling

But Daddy is always there to pick you up

And you're off again