Tuesday, July 15, 2008

14 months: Westmoor Park

Daddy took the day off from work today because he's sick and Mama is still sick and you're still sick but we still ventured out to Westmoor Park. Lots of little animals live there and you liked saying hi to them, especially the ducks.

Mama horse & baby horse

This goat hung out on this piece of wood the whole time we were there

You liked touching the goats

So soft

Pointing at the sheep. (you like pointing a lot lately)

Walking around the barn

Hanging out with the duckies

I think you wanted to take one home with you

Looking at the piggies

More duckies (caged, luckily, for them)

Trying to escape us like you always do

You liked the chicken coop a lot

This was called the Turkey Palace

You were trying to get in to see the horses

Pointing at the chicken. This particular chicken liked you a lot and followed you around

Best friends

Trying to escape us again

Saying hello to the geese

Pointing at the turkey. Point, point point...can't get enough of it.

This hen was giving us a dirty look

Walking over to the gardens. You like to push the stroller.

Walking by yourself

Pretty flowers in the garden

These were Mama's favorite

With the Mamas

With the Papas