Thursday, July 31, 2008

14 months: You're crazy or I'm crazy

Last night at 11pm I went to give you a bath hoping it would calm you down. You ended up peeing on the bath mat and then kept pulling up the bath plug and eating it so that meant I had to put more water in the bath which scares you and then you proceeded to bang on the faucet loudly with your toys. I told Daddy that I feel like I'm a police officer all day. Don't do that! Don't go there! Put that down! Come here! etc.

Last night however, I had a moment that stay at home mamas relish. Daddy tried to put you to sleep and after about 20 minutes gave up. Daddy came out of our bedroom and said, "is this normal? He's just talking and talking...and won't go to sleep." Mwahaha...if he only knew!

A lot of times at night, after you go to sleep, I'll leave the bedroom and just go online, or wash dishes, or stare at the ceiling for a few hours. Daddy always asks if I need that much time to decompress. After a day of chasing after a very active 1 year old, oh yes, yes I do. But I still love you even if you drive me crazy. ;)