Monday, July 28, 2008

14 months: Weekend recap

Busy weekend starting off with some "relaxation". For starters, I had a work outing where you got to run around a little bit, we got some food and it was in the forest. Umm, we didn't stay too long because you were getting kind of tired.

On Saturday I played basketball with some people from my job. Three young "kids", 24 years old. They had to learn a few things from a retired veteran of the game kno
wn as ball. While the results on the court were not bad, the sunburn on my face and neck was a testament to what I endure for the love of the game, not to mention the scrapes diving for a loose ball on asphalt, for a game that means little to many, except me.

Next up, we had the long anticipated and long o
verdue trip to IKEA. Going to IKEA is like a journey. One that is never short and is always filled with many surprises along the way. Fortunately, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar were nice enough to watch you for what ended up being a good 6 hours. The fact that we thought it would be half that, again goes to the unexpected surprises that go with any trip to IKEA. Thankfully one of my many talents is figuring out how to fit odd shaped furniture in our car. Of course, this doesn't happen quickly. However, the look of awe in your mother's eyes as I felt numerous pieces of furniture into the Altima, or maneuvered the sectional our thin staircase and through our door frame is well worth the time and energy exhausted from such calculations. The trip however difficult and long was fruitful and after putting together another piece of furniture, it makes the trip feel even better.

Sunday we had to scramble to find a truck or van or something to try to get these sofas someone was giving away to us. Huge sectional that wasn't easy to navigate down a flight and then up a flight when we got home. Fortunately, there are good people in the world who helped Daddy bring it up and down. The good thing about all this moving furniture is that sometimes we're able to strengthen relations with people such as our neighbors which whom we gave your crib away which you never slept in. They have a cute little girl and were coincidentally looking for a crib so it was win-win.

Lastly, I'm slowly finally recovering from the sickness you gave me which might I mention was poorly timed given my current work slate. Last Tuesday I nearly coughed up my right lung while at work what was only an hour before I left for the doctors. Five days and strong drugs later, I'm feeling better. Only now, my body aches in places I didn't know could ache from moving of furniture and my recent basketball playing.

One last thi
ng, it saddens me to admit that I'm becoming addicted to Lemon-Lime Gatorade. For the record this will mark my third addiction to a liquid narcotic following Sprite & Diet Coke.
