Friday, July 18, 2008

14 months: Your favorites

These are a few of your favorite things lately:
  • FOOD: any type of rice, yobaby yogurt in apple flavor, cheddar goldfish, gingersnaps, mango

  • SONGS: if you're going crazy in the car you settle down instantly when we put on Jennifer Lopez and specifically the song "Love don't cost a thing". You also like Madonna's 4 minutes and Elmo's elmo song

  • SHOWS: You're obsessed with those wacky Teletubbies

  • WORDS: backa-backa-backa, belly button!

  • ETC: You still love cell phones & laptops. You like bringing us your shoes in the morning and saying bye bye. You like putting your hands in the toilet water. You like running away from us. You also like opening the refridgerator and taking food out.