Monday, July 21, 2008

14 months: Picture Post

What you've been up to lately...

This is still your favorite place to sleep, on Daddy's chest. That is still Daddy's favorite game on his computer, Baseball Mogul.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

You really liked these carrots, my little Bugs Bunny

I caught you sucking your thumb. Speaking of which, you've been kind of cranky lately and we thought it was because you were sick last week and hadn't been sleeping well but last night I was looking at your teeth and told Daddy that I thought one of your canines was about to pop out. When he looked he saw that you now have a molar in your mouth! We had no idea but you're always cranky when your teeth are popping out so maybe that explains it. Congrats Mister O! It must be easier to chew now.

As Daddy mentioned, Saturday was our anniversary. Lela Carmen & Papa Cesar took care of you while we went to Lake Compounce, an amusement park. We had a great time eventhough I was scared out of my mind on the rides. This is us waiting for the Saw Mill Plunge.

Daddy played basketball yesterday after you went to the wading pool. You saw Daddy's ball and said "ball!" and then proceeded to steal it

Happy Baby