Saturday, July 19, 2008

24 months...for your Mommy and I

It seems like just yesterday I was taking the long drive from Boston to Northampton for the first time and anxiously double and triple checking the directions before arriving at the door of your Mother's old apartment. When she opened the door she looked beautiful, just as she does today, and every day for that matter. I remember being worried about how much I would sweat, ya I get hot real easy, and whether or not I was dressed nice enough, or what she was really thinking of me when she first saw me.

Fast forward two years...

I love your Mommy more and more every day. She is so special I can't begin to tell you. The amount of time she puts into thinking about all the little things that make you and I most happy is something that shows her true love for us, I hope you know how lucky you are to have her as your mother, I sure know I'm lucky to have her as my partner.

A lot has changed over the last two years in my life, but definitely for the better! I've never been so happy in my life, and sadly while I like my job, it seems like lately more than ever I miss you and your mother so much it hasn't been easy. I hope the two of you know I'd much rather be with you two than at work. Love you guys.
