Wednesday, July 23, 2008

14 months: The Love Handle

Hi sweetie pie :)

Today is Wednesday so that means we went to the Children's Museum since they have special activities on Wednesdays. It was raining like crazy but we still made it out and you even held the umbrella for Mama a few times.

While we were there you tried to escape from me a million times and as I was chasing after you I saw two mommies with leashes on their childre
n. Yes, leashes, otherwise known as the kid keeper, a child safety harness, or -- and this is the best -- the love handle. At first I was a bit appalled by the leashes but then I thought to myself...that would be great for YOU! Luckily for you Daddy is completely opposed to it but man it would make my life a lot easier.

Anyhoo, another thing to add to your dislikes list is lawnmowers. They scare you a great deal.

On to picture time...

If I had to sum you up in a photo this would be it. That's you in a nutshell

You love you some gingersnaps