Thursday, July 31, 2008

14 months: You're crazy or I'm crazy

Last night at 11pm I went to give you a bath hoping it would calm you down. You ended up peeing on the bath mat and then kept pulling up the bath plug and eating it so that meant I had to put more water in the bath which scares you and then you proceeded to bang on the faucet loudly with your toys. I told Daddy that I feel like I'm a police officer all day. Don't do that! Don't go there! Put that down! Come here! etc.

Last night however, I had a moment that stay at home mamas relish. Daddy tried to put you to sleep and after about 20 minutes gave up. Daddy came out of our bedroom and said, "is this normal? He's just talking and talking...and won't go to sleep." Mwahaha...if he only knew!

A lot of times at night, after you go to sleep, I'll leave the bedroom and just go online, or wash dishes, or stare at the ceiling for a few hours. Daddy always asks if I need that much time to decompress. After a day of chasing after a very active 1 year old, oh yes, yes I do. But I still love you even if you drive me crazy. ;)

14 months: Taz

"O is like the Tasmanian Devil"

-Daddy at midnight while you were wide awake and running up and down our bed

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

14 months: Daddy-O

A cranky O plays with Daddy. Don't mind the mess in our apartment, we just moved in we moved in a month ago.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

14 months: Children's Museum

Another trip to the Children's Museum. We went on Monday and there were literally 5 other children in the whole place so you got to run around like a crazy monkey.

You love play kitchens

You like to clean them up...speaking of which, we bought you a small broom tonight, you love it!

Cleaning up

You spent 30 minutes throwing these balls

Over and over again

And another 20 minutes pushing this button that simulates an earthquake

You couldn't do this one quite yet but soon. It's to create electricity


14 months: That Face

Monday, July 28, 2008

14 months: Best Friends

Have I mentioned that you and Daddy are best friends?

14 months: Elizabeth Park

It was hot today and we don't have AC so we packed up and had a picnic at Elizabeth Park. Incidentally, this is where Daddy & I went on Valetine's Day for dinner and also where Daddy jacked up his car after he hit a pothole which we had to spend our "economic surplus" money to fix. You win, President Bush! Anyhoo, it was a lot of fun and you got to see ducks and geese and a chipmunk who was pining for your bread.

Both you and Daddy melt very easily so we had to find shade -- inside the gazebo of the rose garden.

You're trying to find the chipmunk again.

I'm so glad you like watermelon sweetie. Your Daddy doesn't and it's very disturbing.

I could watch you eat watermelon all day.

Aforementioned chipmunk.

With the mamas. Sometimes you look like such an old little man.

Aren't flowers the most beautiful thing ever?

After you, of course

14 months: Weekend recap

Busy weekend starting off with some "relaxation". For starters, I had a work outing where you got to run around a little bit, we got some food and it was in the forest. Umm, we didn't stay too long because you were getting kind of tired.

On Saturday I played basketball with some people from my job. Three young "kids", 24 years old. They had to learn a few things from a retired veteran of the game kno
wn as ball. While the results on the court were not bad, the sunburn on my face and neck was a testament to what I endure for the love of the game, not to mention the scrapes diving for a loose ball on asphalt, for a game that means little to many, except me.

Next up, we had the long anticipated and long o
verdue trip to IKEA. Going to IKEA is like a journey. One that is never short and is always filled with many surprises along the way. Fortunately, Lela Carmen and Papa Cesar were nice enough to watch you for what ended up being a good 6 hours. The fact that we thought it would be half that, again goes to the unexpected surprises that go with any trip to IKEA. Thankfully one of my many talents is figuring out how to fit odd shaped furniture in our car. Of course, this doesn't happen quickly. However, the look of awe in your mother's eyes as I felt numerous pieces of furniture into the Altima, or maneuvered the sectional our thin staircase and through our door frame is well worth the time and energy exhausted from such calculations. The trip however difficult and long was fruitful and after putting together another piece of furniture, it makes the trip feel even better.

Sunday we had to scramble to find a truck or van or something to try to get these sofas someone was giving away to us. Huge sectional that wasn't easy to navigate down a flight and then up a flight when we got home. Fortunately, there are good people in the world who helped Daddy bring it up and down. The good thing about all this moving furniture is that sometimes we're able to strengthen relations with people such as our neighbors which whom we gave your crib away which you never slept in. They have a cute little girl and were coincidentally looking for a crib so it was win-win.

Lastly, I'm slowly finally recovering from the sickness you gave me which might I mention was poorly timed given my current work slate. Last Tuesday I nearly coughed up my right lung while at work what was only an hour before I left for the doctors. Five days and strong drugs later, I'm feeling better. Only now, my body aches in places I didn't know could ache from moving of furniture and my recent basketball playing.

One last thi
ng, it saddens me to admit that I'm becoming addicted to Lemon-Lime Gatorade. For the record this will mark my third addiction to a liquid narcotic following Sprite & Diet Coke.


14 months: Video monitor photos

I'm making a collection of these. They're photos of you on the video monitor. It's difficult to get a clear picture because of the shutter speed but eventually I get one. If I had a gallery I would title them Monitoring Mothering Volumes I-X because I love roman numerals. Anyhoo, Papa Cesar got us this monitor and we use it every single day. We hadn't even put a monitor on our registry because our apartment was tiny and we thought you'd be attach to our hips or something crazy. Needless to say we love it.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

14 months: Playing in the kitchen

Daddy is out playing basketball this morning so you know what that means: Mama letting you do whatever you want. We played for a bit in the kitchen. You love it in there...maybe you're going to be a chef. You love playing with the pots and pans and opening the fridge and turning on the gas stove (oops!)

Don't mind our messy cupboards

You love those little Goldfish crackers. You can't get enough of them

Beautiful baby

You're going to make some concoction

Looking up at the bag of goldfish crackers

I love the window in our kitchen

You love turning on the water and then just watching it

It takes a few minutes before you'll start playing in it

Friday, July 25, 2008

14 months: Sleepy Baby

This is what a sleepy O looks like:

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

14 months: The Love Handle

Hi sweetie pie :)

Today is Wednesday so that means we went to the Children's Museum since they have special activities on Wednesdays. It was raining like crazy but we still made it out and you even held the umbrella for Mama a few times.

While we were there you tried to escape from me a million times and as I was chasing after you I saw two mommies with leashes on their childre
n. Yes, leashes, otherwise known as the kid keeper, a child safety harness, or -- and this is the best -- the love handle. At first I was a bit appalled by the leashes but then I thought to myself...that would be great for YOU! Luckily for you Daddy is completely opposed to it but man it would make my life a lot easier.

Anyhoo, another thing to add to your dislikes list is lawnmowers. They scare you a great deal.

On to picture time...

If I had to sum you up in a photo this would be it. That's you in a nutshell

You love you some gingersnaps

Monday, July 21, 2008

14 months: Picture Post

What you've been up to lately...

This is still your favorite place to sleep, on Daddy's chest. That is still Daddy's favorite game on his computer, Baseball Mogul.

The more things change, the more they stay the same

You really liked these carrots, my little Bugs Bunny

I caught you sucking your thumb. Speaking of which, you've been kind of cranky lately and we thought it was because you were sick last week and hadn't been sleeping well but last night I was looking at your teeth and told Daddy that I thought one of your canines was about to pop out. When he looked he saw that you now have a molar in your mouth! We had no idea but you're always cranky when your teeth are popping out so maybe that explains it. Congrats Mister O! It must be easier to chew now.

As Daddy mentioned, Saturday was our anniversary. Lela Carmen & Papa Cesar took care of you while we went to Lake Compounce, an amusement park. We had a great time eventhough I was scared out of my mind on the rides. This is us waiting for the Saw Mill Plunge.

Daddy played basketball yesterday after you went to the wading pool. You saw Daddy's ball and said "ball!" and then proceeded to steal it

Happy Baby

Sunday, July 20, 2008

14 months: Bookmark

I like to use you as a bookmark sweetie

14 months: Photo Booth

Some photos from this morning (you're a little sleepy):