Saturday, July 21, 2007

Week 9: Doing many things

Good morning little O :)

You're in the Baby Bjorn sleeping on Daddy's chest right now. You're so cute! You seem to have recovered from your tongue tie operation pretty nicely. I haven't noticed a difference in nursing except that the first few days it actually hurt me more than before but now it's back to just the regular pain...we'll see if it improves in the next few days.

If you're going to watch tv we figured it should at least be educational

Your Daddy was trying to grow a beard

Daddy burping you

The latest in baby fashion: purple Dora socks, pink gingham onesie, and a striped hat

Hi lovies!

Jen, the doula who helped with your birth came to visit us the other night. We hadn't seen her since the day you were born and it was so nice to see her and talk about baby things and your birth. I started crying at the end because I was talking about going back to work and it made me so sad.

Jen helped get you out nice and safe

Thursday was your parents' anniversary (first date) so your Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira came to take care of you while we went out on a date. Your Daddy and I went to East Heaven Tubs, a beautiful japanese style tub place. It was so great sweetie. We sat in the 104 degree tub outside and looked up at the sky. Oh my it was so relaxing. After that we had a quick dinner and headed back home where you were still sleeping.

So excited!

104 degrees is really hot. Mommie was also afraid of getting sucked under by the hot tub (I saw a 20/20 special on it)

pretty sky

You have to take a shower before going in

Din din at Sierra Grille

Scrabble pre-din din

We're going to try to run to the farmer's market in a little bit and then walk around downtown which we haven't done with you for a long time. Love you sweetie!