Friday, July 13, 2007

Week 8: Shots

Hi O :)

Lela Carmen and Titi Jomaira came to visit us a few days ago. It was a lot of fun. We went to Puffer's Pond and saw the waterfall and also went to the worst Chinese buffet ever. They slept over so they got to hear your favorite song "Used to Love You" about 100 times at 3 in the morning. Sorry Lela and Titi!

Today you had your 2 month check up with your pediatrician. Your Daddy and I always try to guess how much weight you've gained and I was so off sweetie. You are huge! Here are your stats from 1 month and 2 months for comparison:

1 month (06/13/07):
Weight: 9 lbs 3 oz
Height: 22 inches
Head Circumference: 14.75 inches

2 month (07/13/07):
Weight: 12 lbs 6 oz
Height: 23.75
Head Circumference: 15.6 inches

You gained 3 pounds and grew almost 2 inches in one month...crazy! No wonder our arms are sore. After your measurements we talked with your doctor about the tongue tie thing and he said that he thought it was okay to get it clipped and has talked with the doctor who will be doing the procedure.

Then came the worse part...your immunizations. I have gone back and forth on this. I wasn't sure you should get all your immunizations so early and we decided to skip your Hep B shot that they give at the hospital. However, we decided for you to get them because the alternative was for us to come weekly to get each shot individually and that didn't sound good. Thankfully your Daddy held you down for your three shots and one oral vaccine. The nurse did it very quickly but as soon as she put one in you started crying and so did your Mommie. It made me so sad sweetie to see and hear you in pain and not able to do anything. You calmed down right away and I nursed you in the office and you seemed fine. We had to buy some Tylenol just in case though so we'll be monitoring you for the next few hours to see if you have an adverse reaction.

I love you sweetie!