Monday, July 2, 2007

Week 7: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi little O!

Happy 7th week birthday!

You're sleeping on my chest right now. I can't believe you're almost 8 weeks little one. You're starting to sleep for longer periods of time which makes me happy. You were up most of the night last night though because you had slept a lot during the day. Let's see what really like the teddy bears in the mobile in your bassinet. You follow them with your eyes and talk to them. You're still losing your hair. You smile when we make a "O" sound. This week I have been calling you my little octopus.

We're starting to get a bit of a schedule. Each day we have various activities. Usually in the morning we'll have some tummie time and we'll talk for a little bit. Then later in the morning/early afternoon we'll go outside on our balcony and you'll talk with the birdies and look around for a bit. We'll sometimes have a bath around that time. I'm still giving you sponge baths when I'm alone because I'm afraid I'll drop you in the infant tub. In the afternoon around 4pm you like to listen to music so I'll put you in the Baby Bjorn and we'll dance around the kitchen. Your favorite song at the moment is John Legend's Used to Love You. It calms you down right away.

Sleepy O

Daddy looking at photos of foster children who need parents...we hope to adopt one day.

Grocery shopping

Hanging out with your bears

Talking to them in your secret language

This is how you spend most of your time

We can see you when we're driving O!

Cranky O

I had to run into CVS and you were crying so Daddy took you outside

Much better

Kiss for Mr. O!