Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Week 7: Remember me?

Hi little one. It's been a long time since I've written and I was starting to feel guilty so here I am. Let's see, where do I start? For starters you are getting real big. My back and arms being sore are the proof. Also you are talking much more of late, and to your Mommy as well as me, which is nice because for a while you were talking to me more than Mommy. Now I don't feel as special, lol. The last few days have been crazy for me at work, and your Mommy has been a soldier and has done more for you than ever, and for that I'm greatly appreciative. She's so special your Mommy!

Today your Mommy actually surprised me at my new office while I was working, like she did yesterday, only today you went on your first bus ride. I wonder if you liked it or not? Riding the bus is good O, much better than driving a car, although walking is the best, and I think you'll like walking because your Mommy and I both do.

Everybody says you are so cute and alert. Can't argue with either assessment, only I would add smart and funny. I love seeing you when I come home, and during the day my laptop has a picture of you on my chest that I look at a million times a day to get me through the long day. Sometimes when I call home to check in on you and Mommy she puts you on the phone and you say a few words to me. I don't exactly know what you are saying but if I had to guess it would be something like, "I miss you Daddy and can't wait to see you , but don't worry Mommy takes great care of me and I love being with her." Just a guess, but a good one I think. Well, it's been fun writing and think I'll be doing more of it in the future.
