Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 10: Birth Photos

I don't think I ever posted some of the last photos before your birth sweetie pie.

The day before I went into labor your Daddy and I walked downtown (which was quite a feat for me). We passed by a drumming workshop and went in and I played a few instruments for a while. I was getting kind of irritable at this point because wherever I would go people would say that I was so big and when was I going to pop etc. etc. As in, I would be crossing the street and women would whisper (I could still hear them though) "god, she's HUUUUUGE!!" Of course I'm huge ladies, I'm 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I didn't want anyone staring or touching my belly anymore at that point. Luckily you came two days later!

Only in Northampton...

This was on Saturday night and was my last full meal before your birth. I think I had about 3 helpings and was still starving and couldn't figure out why (now I know). I didn't have another full meal until 48 hours later.

This is after we came home from Look Park. My water hadn't broken yet so the contractions weren't that bad.

Your Daddy helping me breathe through them

Contraction over! Back to eating my mango

Before my water broke I really liked my exercise ball. Here is Jen massaging my shoulders (so nice!). After my water broke though I hated the ball with a passion. Whenever I would sit on it more amniotic fluid would gush out and I would apologize for it.

My water broke in the shower at home and we rushed to the hospital. The first thing I did was hop into the tub. I sat in it forever, making "Ooooooohhhh" sounds, I'm surprised I didn't turn into a little prune.

This was taken at 10:52am (you were born at 11:21am) and was the last photo before your birth. I was waiting for a contraction. At this point I had been in active labor for 19 hours and I was a bit delirious. They had put a mirror at the end of the bed so that's why I'm wearing glasses. You can see the IV for the Pitocin (a drug that makes contractions stronger). On the left is Pam, the midwife who delivered you.

After a little bit of screaming and a lot of're out! You cried right away and Daddy told me you were O. I was so excited.

Daddy caught you. He was so proud.

Recovering a few hours later (still looking preggers) probably because I had a big blood clot that they were about to find and squeeze out (ask Daddy to tell you about that sometime).

You were so little and red. Volunteers knitted the little hat for you

Food! The hospital food wasn't that bad...especially the ice cream in the maternity ward freezer.

And you haven't stopped nursing since

You didn't like being unswaddled.

There are other photos of Daddy cutting your umbilical cord and of the placenta being delivered but I'll save those for when I really want to embarrass you. Love you sweetie!