Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Week 10: Debates

Hi O :)

We just came back from our second baby massage class. You seem to like it but I usually spend half of the class nursing so I miss some things. We'll have to practice more at home. Last night we went to Daddy's workplace to watch the CNN/Youtube Democratic Presidential Debates. Your Daddy and I were both Political Science majors in college so you think I would have been interested in the debates but I wasn't. The questions were definitely better than usual but the answers were still the same ol', same ol'. I hope that in '09 we will have an interesting president for you who will shake things up. We'll see little one.

Your Daddy stayed up with you a lot last night so I could get some much needed sleep. Thank you Daddy! I now have an official return date for work, Thursday, August 9th. :( Lela Carmen, Titi Jomi, and Abuela Mayela will be taking care of you for the 2 1/2 weeks before childcare starts. I'm going to miss you so much sweetie but I don't want to start crying right now so I'll leave it at that. I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun with your familia though so that makes me happy.

I have to go make myself something to eat now because I'm starving little one. I love you!
