Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 11: Rolling over!

You did it O! Last night you rolled over!

Yesterday afternoon you had rolled halfway from your back to your side but last night after your best friend came home (Daddy) you rolled over all the way from your back to your tummie. It took a long time but you did it. I'm so proud of you little one. We even got it on video (shocking, huh?).

Rolling over (back to tummie) - July 30, 2007 (this is a reminder for me so I can put it in your baby book)

Speaking of developments, you have decided that once again you only want to sleep when you're being held by one of us. For the past few weeks you've been taking naps all by yourself in the bassinet or on the futon but not for the last two days. As soon as we put you down you wake up so you're in the mei tei right now with me sleeping. I hope you can sleep by yourself again soon because Mommie needs a nap! Love you sweetie!