Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 10: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi fluffernutter :)

Happy 10th week birthday!!

You are huge and almost outgrowing your sad so sad. You've been drooling so much lately sweetie which is perfectly normal but you're always wet. We should just keep a bib on you all the time. What're still talking and smiling a lot. Your sleeping schedule is still a bit erratic. You like to be up from 2-3 or 4 am every night. You're wide awake at that time and like to talk to us. I shouldn't be surprised as that's how you were in utero. It's also been a week from your surgery and I can't say that the nursing has gotten better as far as pain but you nurse quicker now so that's good. We'll see if the pain lessens soon.

Last night we went to a Babywearing class at a children's store downtown. It was a lot of fun and we got to try a bunch of different carriers. Your Daddy and I really liked the mei-tei carrier so we'll probably be getting one to replace the Baby Bjorn that hurts our shoulders.

Love you sweetie!