Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Week 11: Rolling over!

You did it O! Last night you rolled over!

Yesterday afternoon you had rolled halfway from your back to your side but last night after your best friend came home (Daddy) you rolled over all the way from your back to your tummie. It took a long time but you did it. I'm so proud of you little one. We even got it on video (shocking, huh?).

Rolling over (back to tummie) - July 30, 2007 (this is a reminder for me so I can put it in your baby book)

Speaking of developments, you have decided that once again you only want to sleep when you're being held by one of us. For the past few weeks you've been taking naps all by yourself in the bassinet or on the futon but not for the last two days. As soon as we put you down you wake up so you're in the mei tei right now with me sleeping. I hope you can sleep by yourself again soon because Mommie needs a nap! Love you sweetie!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Week 11: Happy Cumplesemana!

Hi O!

Happy 11th week birthday!!

We've been up since 7:40am and you still haven't taken a nap longer than 10 minutes (it's almost 4pm). I've tried everything...I put you in the baby carrier, we went for a walk in the stroller (you cried the whole way), I've danced with you, played with you, nursed you a billion times and nada. I don't want to jinx it but you're in your swing right now and have had your eyes closed for 5 minutes. I sang The Greatest Love of All by Whitney Houston (sleep deprivation for sure) to you about 10 times and that seemed to do the trick. I wish I had the car because I would have just put you in your car seat and driven to Alaska. I know that would have worked.

Well, let's see lots of developments little one. On Thursday your Daddy got you to laugh for the first time while awake. I didn't hear it because I was watching videos of you obsessively on my computer and by the time your Daddy called me over it was too late and you wouldn't do it again. I sort of don't really believe you laughed since I wasn't there to hear it but don't worry I will jot down your first laugh as 7/26/07 in your baby book.

Your other development was today. You rolled from your back to your side. I thought it was just my sleep deprivation because I had put you down on your back while I ran to the bathroom and when I came back you were on your side but then I thought maybe I just put you down on your side and didn't remember but anyway so sure enough I put you on your back again and then held your rattle and you turned to your side. Good job sweetie! I can't just leave you anywhere now (not that I was...but now I REALLY can't).

What else...you're drooling like crazy. We thought you might be teething already because of all the drool so we got you two teethers. I'm not sure if you liked them or if you just liked having something in you mouth but we'll see. You've also gotten much louder in your talking. I think you realized that you have different volume levels for not just crying but for talking too because lately you've been really really loud.

I'm sure there are a million other things but that's all I can remember right now. Oh! You're sleeping much longer at night now. You slept 5 hour last night and 6 hours the night before that IN A ROW. Shh...it's because you're sleeping on your tummie. I pray that you'll be okay and won't die of SIDS but you're so much happier getting more sleep as am I. :) Keep it up little one!

Your familia came to visit yesterday. Everyone got to hold you and you showed them your cute smile.

You smiled for Abuelo

Oh! We gave your bassinet to your Titi Tatiana because you're too big for it. :( Your Daddy and I were so sad because we can't believe you don't fit in it already and we were sad to see your little bear posse go. I'd like to take a moment to remember your bassinet:

Oh, Kolcraft Cuddle N Care Rocking Bassinet with Light Vibes Mobile, thank you! You brought so much joy into our son's life. The time you spent entertaining our son allowed us to eat and go to the bathroom and sometimes even shower. Although I wasn't very fond of the scary sounding lady singing lullabyes, I did like the froggies sound and the vibration feature. Mwah to you.

Luckily you're not too big for the pack and play! Daddy set it up last night and you proceeded to spit up in it immediately so I think you like it.

Amazingly you're still sleeping...maybe writing in the blog did the trick (I still have Whitney playing in the background so it's debatable). Nap time for Mommie. Your Abuelita is leaving for Costa Rica tomorrow so send her good thoughts sweetie. Love you!

Week 11: Picture Post

Sweaty baby

Grudgingly doing tummie time...you won't be complaining when you're able to crawl because of your strong neck muscles

This is when we knew for sure that the bassinet had to go

Serious after a bath

Why does it look like you're trying to escape?

Look at that belly!

Proof that your Daddy is going crazy...he defaced my baby magazine

Friday, July 27, 2007

Week 10: Sidewalk sales

Last night you wanted to play so we took a walk downtown. I forgot that our town is having Sidewalk Sales this week so it was packed.

Daddy checking out B-Side's DVDs

O is bored with the Sidewalk Sales

The tiny sliver of lemon tart your Daddy left for me

Playing with Daddy

Remember this photo with Eduardo?

I was waiting for Daddy to do this to you

I hope it didn't cause permanent eye damage

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 10: Picture Post

O in his pink outfit...

Sad baby

2 minutes later...happy baby :)

Talking to Daddy

O doesn't like kisses from Mommie

Week 10: Videos

Videos of Mr. O...

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Week 10: Birth Photos

I don't think I ever posted some of the last photos before your birth sweetie pie.

The day before I went into labor your Daddy and I walked downtown (which was quite a feat for me). We passed by a drumming workshop and went in and I played a few instruments for a while. I was getting kind of irritable at this point because wherever I would go people would say that I was so big and when was I going to pop etc. etc. As in, I would be crossing the street and women would whisper (I could still hear them though) "god, she's HUUUUUGE!!" Of course I'm huge ladies, I'm 40 weeks and 4 days pregnant! I didn't want anyone staring or touching my belly anymore at that point. Luckily you came two days later!

Only in Northampton...

This was on Saturday night and was my last full meal before your birth. I think I had about 3 helpings and was still starving and couldn't figure out why (now I know). I didn't have another full meal until 48 hours later.

This is after we came home from Look Park. My water hadn't broken yet so the contractions weren't that bad.

Your Daddy helping me breathe through them

Contraction over! Back to eating my mango

Before my water broke I really liked my exercise ball. Here is Jen massaging my shoulders (so nice!). After my water broke though I hated the ball with a passion. Whenever I would sit on it more amniotic fluid would gush out and I would apologize for it.

My water broke in the shower at home and we rushed to the hospital. The first thing I did was hop into the tub. I sat in it forever, making "Ooooooohhhh" sounds, I'm surprised I didn't turn into a little prune.

This was taken at 10:52am (you were born at 11:21am) and was the last photo before your birth. I was waiting for a contraction. At this point I had been in active labor for 19 hours and I was a bit delirious. They had put a mirror at the end of the bed so that's why I'm wearing glasses. You can see the IV for the Pitocin (a drug that makes contractions stronger). On the left is Pam, the midwife who delivered you.

After a little bit of screaming and a lot of pain...you're out! You cried right away and Daddy told me you were O. I was so excited.

Daddy caught you. He was so proud.

Recovering a few hours later (still looking preggers) probably because I had a big blood clot that they were about to find and squeeze out (ask Daddy to tell you about that sometime).

You were so little and red. Volunteers knitted the little hat for you

Food! The hospital food wasn't that bad...especially the ice cream in the maternity ward freezer.

And you haven't stopped nursing since

You didn't like being unswaddled.

There are other photos of Daddy cutting your umbilical cord and of the placenta being delivered but I'll save those for when I really want to embarrass you. Love you sweetie!

Week 10: Picture Post

More photos of little O...
Mommie is obsessed with tummie time

In lotus position

Look how small you used to be :(

We watched Daddy play basketball last night

Drooling on your mei-tei