Saturday, May 29, 2010

3 years: Picture Post

Hi little O :)

We had a busy day yesterday. We woke up and did a 3 mile group run on the Bolder Boulder course with a bunch of people at the Boulder Running Company. Daddy pushed you in the jogging stroller and I ran with some ladies who came in from Chicago to run the race. You're such a good sport, little O. You just sat there and let Daddy push you around the course.

After that we went to see Shrek 4 and you loved it. The place was packed with little people and you danced in the aisle at the end. Good movie, I must say.

Then we came home because it was nap time and then headed out to the Boulder Creek Festival. We only made it through the Kids Zone area but will be heading back there today to see the rest of it.

In the bouncy toddler house

Getting ready to go kayaking with Daddy

Daddy putting on his life jacket

Getting ready

In you go

And you're off

It started to rain and you were pretty soaked from the kayaking but you still wanted to go down the slides

There you are all the way on the top on the left

Sliding down with Daddy