Tuesday, May 25, 2010

3 years: Daddy

Hi little O :)

Daddy started his job today and I think it might have killed him. He's upstairs in the guest bedroom sleeping because he has a huge headache. Poor Daddy. :(

He had a nice day though and was taken out to lunch and has a huge office all to himself. Good job, Daddy!

We went to pick Daddy up from the bus stop a few blocks away from where we live. You wanted to take the bus over so we took the bus to the next stop and then got off. Riding on the bus, even if only for 2 minutes never gets old for you, you love it.

You're in love with that little flashlight. Here we are waiting for Daddy to arrive on the bus from Denver.

O acting silly

Busy 28th Street

There goes Daddy's bus!

Daddy is here!

Yowsa! Is that Daddy or a male supermodel?

Handsome Daddy

Looking good, Daddy! (okay, I'll stop)

We walked over to Chipotle to have a yummie dinner. You got a quesadilla, black beans, and cilantro-lime rice.

Daddy got the same thing but with pinto beans.

When we got home Daddy went inside because he wasn't feeling well and you headed out to play with your posse. Your posse now has guns. Water guns, but guns nonetheless. Speaking of which, you received some water guns for your birthday and Daddy threw them out. No guns in this house, mister.

Trying to race your friend

Happy O

Your posse loves your little trike

I love Mohammad's pink crocs...they're so cute!