Monday, May 24, 2010

3 years: Dentist & Garden

Your visit at the dentist this morning was pure chaos. You were pretty happy to go since we told you that there would be stickers there so that was good and then when we got to the office they had a children's computer there so you had lots of fun playing with Daddy but then once we got called in things started to go downhill fast. You sat in the chair just fine but then the assistant asked if you wanted to get some stickers first and that's when everything hit the fan. You see, you are pretty indecisive, my love. There were too many stickers to choose from and you wanted a million of them. When Daddy & I told you you could only pick 4 of them you went crazy and started crying something crazy. The tears continued throughout the appointment but you let the dentist look inside your mouth and she said that you should start flossing (aww!) because you don't have much space between your teeth. She also talked about orthodontics already to which your Daddy said, "I don't believe in that." Hah!

Anyhoo, after the trauma at the dentist we took you over to school only to find out that the bully in your class is back! He had left the school for some reason (probably for beating kids up) but now he's back and he's in your classroom, ahhh! Stand your ground, little O.

Our garden plot is all done, well almost all done. We have to add a little more mulch to one of the areas but otherwise everything is planted. We should be having yummie fruits and vegetables in a few months, can't wait! You helped water the plants today but had to take little breaks to relax and you'd go sit on a little concrete block. It's a hard life, O.

At the dentist's office, before the tears began

Who knew there would be screams and tears in a few minutes? We knew, that's who

Playing the recycling/compost game with Daddy

Daddy mulching away

Good luck veggies and fruits!