Friday, May 28, 2010

3 years: Mama running

Hi little sweet pea :)

I dropped you off at school this morning and you said you wanted to go to your old classroom, the Penguins. poor sweetie. I told you that you were too old for the Penguins and you had the saddest look on your face. We'll go visit them when I pick you up later today.

After I dropped you off I decided that I really had to go on a run since the Bolder Boulder is a mere 3 days away and I haven't run more than 3 miles at a time since September and the Bolder Boulder is a little over 6 miles. :/ I've been pretty nervous about running because I'm afraid of re-tearing my meniscus but I got new sneakers and wanted to break them in before the race. I jogged out to the Boulder Canyon (about 3 miles) but then the hills started bothering me so I jogged and walked back home. I ended up jogging/walking for 65 minutes so things are looking good! I just hope I can keep up with marathon man your Daddy.

I love you sweetie!
