Friday, May 14, 2010

3 years: Happy Birthday Octavio!!!

Happy Birthday my sweetie pie!!

3 years ago today, at 11:21am after over 21 hours in active labor, you were born in Northampton, Massachusetts. Your Daddy caught you and put you on my chest within seconds of being born. We spent a lot of time together and you had backa-backa for the first time shortly after you were born. You were so cute and small and your Daddy and I cried like little babies when we held you. The midwife and nurses took you for a bit to make sure you were aokay and I got to take a shower. Our doula, Jen, thought I was bleeding too much and she was right because a few hours later one of the nurses pushed out two large blood clots that could have caused me to hemorrhage if not caught in time. You slept a lot and your Daddy passed out after being up for over 30 hours straight. I couldn't sleep because I just wanted to look at you. I still love looking at you while you're sleeping and am still amazed that I'm your Mommie. I love you little O, thank you for picking us to be your parents. Happy 3rd birthday, sweetie. :)
