Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 years: Santa Fe #1

We took a mini-holiday to Santa Fe this weekend. Your Daddy was a trooper and drove the 7 hours there and the 7 hours back, thank you Daddy! It was a really fun trip and Daddy wants to go back in July.

We stayed at a cute little hotel on the outskirts of the town. All the rooms are suites so we had a full kitchen and living room. Lovely!

Right next to the hotel there was an indoor playspace. It had a trampoline, a treehouse, a climbing area, games, etc. It was amazing! You loved it, of course. Here you are in the treehouse.

Playing games with Daddy

Jumping down from the treehouse

Jumping on the trampoline

Playing games again

So pretty, and only $5 per child

Climbing up with Daddy

Daddy getting his game on

We played soccer for a little bit

Climbing again

Having dinner the first night at Sleeping Dog Tavern...very yummie!