Tuesday, May 18, 2010

3 years: Grandparents

We had a such fun time having Grandma Mayela, Papa Cesar & Lela Carmen here for a few days. They came in for your birthday and you loved having all the extra attention. You kept saying how much you loved them and they got to see you acting crazy as well. Thanks for coming!

Thanks also to your family members who sent you such sweet cards and presents. You loved all of them!

In other news, Mommie signed up for the Bolder Boulder 10K! I'm super excited. It's one of the largest road races in the world, with over 50,000 runners all running through little Boulder. The race ends right next to our apartment at the CU football stadium where you get to run into a stadium full of people. I signed up under the jogger wave so I should finish in about 70-90 minutes. We'll see!
You started in your new classroom yesterday. You're now officially a Tigger. You seem to be adjusting well since a lot of your friends are in the classroom but I'm sure it must be different for you. I hope you're having fun, little O. We love you!
